I'm sorry I haven't posted for a really long time. The time missed could be seperated into three seperate eras...
Moving In :
I moved into my new apartment in Blacksburg with my good friend Eoin who also rides bikes and with a friend of a friend named Andrew. For awhile, life was grand. We had a HD projecter set up on the wall hooked up to a Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii and all the games you could need. The most important game of all being Rock Band. The band got together at least once a week to "practice are f*^#ing balls off," and we started to sound great. However, Andrew, due to a sequence of unfortunate events, resigned from Virginia Tech, so he moved out, taking his Xbox, guitar hero and his projecter with him. But, I think we will survive.
Moving In :
I moved into my new apartment in Blacksburg with my good friend Eoin who also rides bikes and with a friend of a friend named Andrew. For awhile, life was grand. We had a HD projecter set up on the wall hooked up to a Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii and all the games you could need. The most important game of all being Rock Band. The band got together at least once a week to "practice are f*^#ing balls off," and we started to sound great. However, Andrew, due to a sequence of unfortunate events, resigned from Virginia Tech, so he moved out, taking his Xbox, guitar hero and his projecter with him. But, I think we will survive.
Going into school I was probably riding every other day for at least an hour (SAYGing it up of course), until the VT home mtb race. The short track was on Sunday, so I
thought I would try it out on my cross bike. "PSHHHHHHHH" would be the sound of the day. Someone pointed out to me that even though I raced for free, I went through 15 dollars worth in tubes. Thanks alot buddy. The main problem with the course was a path of rocks that everybody had to ride through every lap. It was kind of skecthy and I was kind of afraid that I would crash in front of the massive crowd. Thank god for Tim.

Ben King won the race, but later got disqualified for not racing his category. Nice job sandbagging the A's...
Due two weeks after the race, hence the name of this era, was THE PROGRAM. The program was assigned the first day of class, and we were informed to start workin
g on it right away. Two weeks before it was due, the professor said in class "if you haven't started yet, drop the course." I believe more than half the class started the program the next day, including myself. So I started working, my head buried in my computer for two weeks straight. I believe I invested more than 45 hours in this program in 2 weeks. Throw that in with my other school work and I didn't have any time to ride. In fact, I didn't even change my flat tires from the race until the day after I submitted my project. I handed it in 2 days late, which is not too bad considering alot of people were still working on it when I turned it in.

Post-Program/Riding Again
Free from thinking about c++ for awhile, I started to focus on what I was going to do for training. Currently I am in the process of reading Training and Racing with a Power Meter and also looking at what coach Friel has to say. I am trying to get a bunch of different feedback from different people about what I should be doing right now. If somebody has any advise, don't hesitate to comment. I don't think I'll get a coach this season still, but I will not do strictly what Joe Friel tells me to do. I plan on combining everything everybody else tells me into one crazy looking plan.
That's it for now, I will try and post more often from now on.