Saturday, January 24, 2009
Andrew Gold
Today I rode hard at the front. I continued to ride hard until almost everybody was dropped. I took it easy riding with what was left of the group until we turned off Dry Run onto Mt Tabor coming back into town. That's when I decided to rip some legs off. I caught Reid who was up the road and won the race.
The End
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
First Day of Class
Every semester I get at least one class where I decide in the first 5 minutes that I don't like the professor. The professor of choosing this semester started the day off right by standing in front of the class and addressed us like a bunch of 5th graders with her shrilling, annoying voice:
"How do you know I am the professor.. Is it because I am standing here? How do you know I am not just some old lady standing up here... How do you know that..? How do you know your in the right class..? Because it says so on your schedule..? How do you know that?"
This went on for awhile and I closed my eyes and pretended it was all a bad dream until she stopped. She eventually started talking normally so at least its not like this all the time.
My second class on my first day was "Operating Systems," which the professor told us most of his class last semester found "hard," while the other portion found it "excruciating," so I am excited for that. He did, however, leave us with a joke I found funny, but you probably will not. (unless you are in CS)
Three men, a physicists, an engineer and a computer scientist, are traveling in a car. Suddenly, the car starts to smoke and stops. The three men try and solve the problem...
The Physicists says "This is obviously a classic problem of torque. It has been overloaded the elasticity limit of the main axis."
The Engineer says "No no no, the problem is that is has been burned the spark of the connecting rod to the dynamo of the radiator, it can easily be repaired by hammering."
The computer scientist says "What if we get out of the car, wait a minute, then get back in and try again?"
It is cold outside so I am going to hop on the rollers before class.
Monday, January 19, 2009
New Pepsi Team
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I fixed my bike, but it is ugly
I made the handlebar tape match the seat, but unfortunately, they don't match the rest of the bike. Not to mention the brown and orange tires I have on there. In cycling I believe in a few strict rules (in no particular order)
1. The 3 hour rule. (2 hour rule for some road races)
2. Don't walk around after 5 p.m. the night before your race.
3. In order to go fast, you have to look fast.
4. Protein night before, carbs two nights before.
5. Never eat pancakes.
6. Make sure you bike is ready the night before the race, not the day of.
7. Cold water at the end of every shower.
According to rule number 3 on the above list, I will need to work on my bikes appearance before the season starts on Feb 7th. (Owen Cup)
Friday, January 16, 2009
Lance Armstrong a hipster!!!???
This goes against everything I used to believe in.
(Lance shows up about halfway through with a white t-shirt)
In other news, the weather here in Blacksburg sucks. 15 degrees F outside today, definitely too cold to ride. The weather seems especially bad after beautiful 80 degree weather in Daytona Beach, Florida, where I spent a week with some of my VT teammates. Read Reids blog for more info on that.
I don't mind the weather as much as I should since my bicycle is currently being repaired...
Quite a bit of work needs to be done to my bike, including replacing the bottom bracket, handle bar tape, fixing my powertap mount, lowering my front derailleur, replacing my break pads, replacing my chain and a few cables with a bit of cable housing. Don't ask me why I let all of this build up until now.
Yes... I am finally changing my bar tape, so quit bugging me.