Another challenge commonly run into by cyclists are dogs. Out on these country roads people don't believe in leashes, and fences are for farms. Running into dogs can sometimes be dangerous. The best defense? Squirting water. Dogs hate water. Normally I am not that afraid of dogs, though I do participate in the ritual of riding really fast when I see one, but something happened to me last week which changed my fear for dogs. I was riding "the fun way," (a shorter version of the SAYG route) behind Foxridge when I came across an old lady walking her dog. She saw me coming, so I thought it was safe to pass. The old (senile) woman did not hold on to her dog, and it bit me in the leg as I was riding by. At first I didn't think it broke skin, but I looked down and saw my leg was bleeding. I went back to get the lady's information, but she refused to believe her dog bit me even though my leg was clearly bleeding. I threatened to call the cops but she just walked away. It makes me mad just thinking about it.
In other news, if you read fruitloops blog you'll see that I called him out last night. This is true. Let the smack talk begin.
5 dollars if you kiss this:

1 comment:
I was going to leave an awesome comment, but its so good that its now a post on my blog.
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